IFR Pilot Helicopter Rating Requirements
Hold at least a current private pilot certificate with a helicopter rating.
Received and log ground training from an authorized instructor or accomplish a home study course on the aeronautical knowledge areas:
Federal Aviation Regulations of Part 61 Certifications of Pilots and Instructors that apply to flight operations under IFR.
Appropriate information that applies to flight operations under IFR in the Aeronautical Information Manual
Air traffic control system and procedures for instrument flight operations
IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems
Use of IFR en route and instrument approach procedure charts
Procurement and use of aviation weather reports, forecasts and the elements of forecasting weather trends and personal observation of weather trends
Safe and efficient operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules and conditions
Recognition of critical weather situations and windshear avoidance
Aeronautical Decision Making and Judgment
Crew Resource Management, Communication and Coordination
Pass the appropriate instrument rating knowledge test since the beginning of the 24th month before the month in which the practical test is taken.
Obtain the applicable flight proficiency training from an authorized Instructor in an approved flight training device
Approved IFR Helicopter Simulator
Approved IFR Helicopter Trainer
(40 HRS if no IFR Simulator is available)
(20 HRS if at a non 142 Training Center)
(18 HRS if at a 142 Training Center)
which includes the following areas of operation:
Preflight procedures
Air traffic control clearances and procedures
Flight by reference to instruments
Navigation systems
Instrument Approach Procedures
Emergency operations
Post Flight Procedures
Must have logged the following aeronautical experience:
At least 50 hours of PIC cross country flight time
Total of 40 HRS of actual or simulated instrument time
15 HRS of instrument flight training from an authorized instructor in a Helicopter category aircraft.
3 HRS of Helicopter instrument training from an authorized instructor for Practical Test Prep with in 60 days preceding the date of test
Helicopter instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures that include:
1 cross country flight in a helicopter performed under IFR and consists of 100 Nautical miles along Victor Airways or ATC directed routing with an Instrument Approach at each airport
3 Different Kinds of Instrument Approaches with use of Navigation Systems
2 Different Kinds of Instrument Approaches if using an Approved Helicopter FLT Simulator
1 Precision and 1 Non-Precision Approach
Be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language.
Obtain a written endorsement from an authorized flight instructor certifying that the applicant has been given flight training in preparation for the practical test within 60 days preceding the date of application. The statement shall also state that the instructor finds the applicant competent to pass the practical test and that the applicant has satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which a deficiency was indicated by the Airman Knowledge Test Report