IFR Commercial Pilot Helicopter Training
UZAIR specializes in vertical IFR helicopter flight training with the R-22 Beta II Instrument Trainer per FAR 61 Regulations. The student must meet the following requirements shown below. Costs are based for instrument helicopter training for a Commercial Helicopter rating.
Hold at least a current private pilot certificate with a helicopter rating and log book endorsement from an authorized flight instructor showing the student is current with SFAR 73 Part 61 for the R-22 aircraft.
Hold a current 3rd Class Medical Certificate
UZAIR will provide the following vertical IFR Helicopter Flight Training per FAR 61 Regulations as follows:
5 HRS of Ground Training
10 HRS R-22 Beta II Instrument Trainer (Simulated IFR)
Subpart F - Commercial Pilots
FAR 61.129 Aeronautical experience, paragraph ( c )( 3 )( i )
For a helicopter rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a commercial pilot certificate with a rotorcraft category and helicopter rating must log at least 150 hours of flight time as a pilot that
consists of at least: (1), (2), and