We hope our website has provided you with the information you need to make a decision for employing our Vertical Flight Services or Flight Training.
For flight service requests regarding Aerial Photography or Introductory Helicopter Demonstration Flights please select the "Flight Service Request" tab located under the "Contact Us" tab for inquiring and or scheduling "Flight Services".
To see what times are available during the week and on the weekends for flight training please select the "Flight Training Schedule" tab located under the "Flight Service Request" tab.
To apply for flight training for Private, Commercial, Helicopter Add-On or IFR Pilot ratings please select the "Flight Training Applicant" tab located under the Flight Training Schedule" tab and fill out the application form and submit it online for review and acceptance. A UZAIR flight instructor will contact you for a further interview and deposit requirement.
For all other inquiries contact:
Don Uzelac Chief Pilot, CFII
Erie Municipal Airport
395 Airport Drive
Erie, Colorado 80516
Mobile Office: 800-793-0814