Flight Training Applicant
Flight Training Reservation Deposit Requirement |
After the Flight Training Applicant (i.e., FTA) has submitted the application form or forms located above and the application has been reviewed and approved and the FTA notified of approval then a $375.00 Deposit is required by the FTA in order to reserve a position for the next available flight training class.
The deposit will be applied towards the FTA's cost of flight training. The deposit must be received a minimum of 1 month before the FTA's initial start date. UZAIR excepts payment in the forms of
Cash Cashier's Check In State Checks American Express Master Card Visa
Refundable Deposit Policy: UZAIR will refund flight training reservation deposits up to 100% of the deposit amount for up to 2 weeks before the reservation date and up to 50% of the deposit amount if cancellation occurs up to 1 week before the reservation date. Flight training reservations must be cancelled in person, by written letter or by email by the FTA and must be received in the time frame as described above.
Non-Refundable Deposit Policy: A FTA who does not contact UZAIR in advance of the 2 week or 1 week grace period in order to reschedule their flight training start date and does not show on the 1st day of flight training per the date reserved then the FTA will forfeit their flight training reservation deposit and if no communication is received from the FTA with in 48 hours after their initial start date then the FTA will automatically be dropped from the flight training course.
If the FTA still desires to utilize UZAIR flight training services after their disqualification they will have to reserve another start date at the beginning of the next available class.
Exceptions: Exceptions will be made for FTAs as follows:
1. who have contracted a serious illness with a doctor's letter of verification 2. who was involve in an accident or incident of any kind with proof of verification 3. who has had a death in their immediate family with proof of verification
Proof of verification must be in the form of an authorized, valid or certified written document; or letter showing the FTA's involvement, relationship or association to the event that impeded the FTA from contacting UZAIR in the grace period allotted.